
Move Your Boogie Body

This video never fails to make me laugh, even when all I want to do is cry...........Enjoy!!


illogically logical said...

I have this video on my blog too!! It is so hilarious.

Sarah Anne said...

Wow... that's really all I can say.. haha ;)

Amy said...

Haha. Her vocal prowess is expecially entertaining. I love when she says, "If you don't have it now, you're never going to get it...(oops)...yes you will!" Perhaps this lady is great in person, but for a video it is really awkward. Maybe this is what the ladies are doing at the studio! This video reminds me of another workout gem. It is a japanese woman with fake biceps and POODLES are her back up exercisers. Hilarious.

Thanks for jumping in to babysit at Jen's house today. Much appreciated.

Team Hancock said...

I have to steal this... and put it on my private blog--lame. I laughed so hard I had tears. Totally cracked me up. I think we should do this for our next girls night out. I'll bring the tights you bring the permed hair.

Desiree said...

Please tell me you have done this along with the video. I'm betting you have. It is so funny!

So my hubby is a Kinesiology major and one of his classes this semester is "group fitness." He has to do some sort of routine in the next week. I'm sooo going to talk him into doing this. It would be halarious! Ok, he won't but he should show his teacher for brownie poitns. Thanks for sharing!

Jessica said...

Would you believe me if I said I did do some of the motions with the video? Well you're right sister! I did, and it was AWESOME!!! I can totally see Lars doing it. It would be extra funny because he's so freaking tall!

The Barron's said...

Jessica, that was awesome... and one I will definitely share with others! :) ha ha

The Blog said...
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Anonymous said...

Couldn't help but laugh out loud! I love how she sings along.... and I also love how her back up peeps pause for a sec!


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