
Training him well

Jackson was so cute today and I tried to take pictures of it, but my camera was on the Fritz, so no pictures to document this story. Sorry......

As I do every day around 3:00, I asked Jackson to pick up his toys so the house would be clean when Daddy got home. While he was cleaning up I was back in my bedroom putting laundry away. With the washer and dryer running, and the radio on in my room I couldn't hear very well. After I'd been in my room for a few minutes I hear some noise, so I go and check on things. Jackson had finished picking up his toys then decided to go into the closet for the vacuum, and yes, that noise I heard was Jackson vacuuming. I said, "What are you doing buddy?" He says, "I'm just cleaning up. I have to earn my keep so that you don't sell me to the gypsies."

(Side story: My dad used to tell us he was going to sell us to the gypsies when we were kids. It's one of those things you never think you'll say, but then it comes out of your mouth without any thought. I think I've said it to Jackson twice, jokingly. Obviously it made an impact.)


Latter-day Saint Mom said...

That gave me a good laugh! Thanks for sharing.

Dasha said...

Haha that's funny. Stuart is always saying that he's going to sell the kids to the gypsies. But Spencer just cries about it. He doesn't take to teasing very well.

Erin said...

that is one of freakin' funniest things i've heard in a while!

Sarah Anne said...

Haha! I love your story! :) And it sounds like Jackson had a pretty good attitude about it all!


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